RM Bridge Modeler Help

Input rules

Edit boxes

Edit boxes are used for the input of numbers or words. The input of floating point numbers may be done with a exponent ([x].[y]e[+/-]exp). If a symbol

"Arrow" is offered additionally, a selection list containing the existing objects is available. There are cases, that only the objects, available in this manner, can be chosen.


The selected function is immediately executed if no objects need to be selected (e.g. opening the elevation window). If any object is related to this symbol, object has to be selected first. Then the function itself can be executed (e.g. modify an axis).

Note: The creation of new construction lines and elements in a cross section is an exception. The object is not existing yet and so the wanted function has to be chosen first (e.g. "construction line-intersection") and afterward the two intersection points defining the new construction line has to be chosen.This is also valid for the definition of new axis elements in ground plan and elevation.

Radio buttons or alternative options

The so called radio buttons serve as alternative options, that means, one option excludes the other ones (either-or). Only one can be active.

Option fields (Check boxes)

Options can be activated or deactivated in option fields. They do not exclude each other.


The name of these buttons inform the user about the action, this button is  used for (OK, Cancel, Calculate, ..).

Free hand symbols

Free hand symbols can be drawn with the pressed left mouse button and pressing the key <CTRL> at the same time. These functions allow rapid and convenient zoom actions in all graphic windows.

  • "V": full View
  • "or "/": zooming (inclined line)
  • "o": redraw (circle)
  • "~": zoom out
  • "e": zoom in
  • "-" or "|": shift current picture.
  • "<" zoom previous
  • "h": Hardcopy (produces a bitmap file of the active graphic)


A list contains lines and columns with alpha-numeric content. The list are often sorted by the program. The selection of an object has to be done by clicking the corresponding line.

Context menu

Context menus can be opened by the right mouse button. The mouse cursor have to be positioned at a list or a graphic window before. A set of different functions are offered for the active object (list or graphic). But the same functions may be executed by using the corresponding symbols or buttons as well.


This type of window (e.g. point lists, axis, ... or all graphic windows) can be opened simultaneously and they can overlap each other. They are not active when a "Single-task" window is opened.


The input windows used for the definition and modification of objects (e.g. modify an axis, create a new axis element, ...) are closed by OK or Cancel. If such a window is active, all other windows are inactive.